Purchase a Fall Fest Tickets & Enjoy!
With over 300+ in attendance each year, we are able to host this event for the community - thanks to both sponsors/donors + your ticket purchase. Enjoy live music, food, the beer garden (optional) and local business giveaways.
Adult Ticket (+ Beer Garden)
Adult Ticket (Food Only)
Child Ticket (2+ years)
Child Ticket (2+ years) + Face Paint
HOA Member Gift

Here is how we hope you can help...
We are looking for local businesses to sponsor or donate to make this year's event possible! If you are interested in helping and being recognized , please click below!
Entertainment Sponsor
Octoberfest Food Sponsor
Beer Garden Sponsor(s)
Face Painting Sponsor
Vendor Sign Up
Misc. Wish List Donations
Save the date for this favorite Quail Creek tradition at Quail Creek Park. We have a wish list of items below and would love for you or your business to consider helping:
10x Cases of Bottled Water
Help Cover the Cost of Face Painting ($750 Total Needed)
Volunteer to Work the Beer Garden / Octoberfest Food!
Put Together Crafts for Kids
Donate Packaged Snacks for Kids (Chips / Cookies / etc.)
CornHole Boards
Purchase Chalk in Bulk
Taylor Butler: Taylor@goteambutler.com (214) 668-7410
Jennifer Robbins: jenniferjrobbins13@gmail.com
HOA President - Brian Ferguson > Contact Via Susannah BeBee (susannah@quailcreek.org / foundation@quailcreek.org)
Are you interested in attending? Please help us get a headcount!
Enter Your Email Address Below to Stay in the Know!